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MuonPflowElementAccessor - Switch to dR calculation using pseudorapidity

Johannes Junggeburth requested to merge (removed):ATLASRECTS-6493 into master


I was not aware that the xAODP4Helpers use the rapidity instead of the pseudorapidity by default.

    double deltaR( const xAOD::IParticle& p4, double rapidity, double phi, bool useRapidity=true )
    { return std::sqrt( xAOD::P4Helpers::deltaR2( p4, rapidity, phi, useRapidity ) ); }

That's clearly a bud. So instead of checking for positive pt like I came up earlier in !45266 (merged), the FPEs can of course be also avoided if we switch back to pseudorapidty which also restores the situation before !45076 (merged).

Tagging: @christos, @mhodgkin Addresses ATLASRECTS-6493

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