FTAG release 22 b-taggers/training in reco for monitoring purpose
This MR adds b-tagging new release 22 b-taggers/training in reco for monitoring purpose.
It includes:
- Recom. DL1r on R21: recommended DL1r trained on r21 from r21 samples.
- Recom. DL1r on R22: DL1r trained on r21 applied to r22 samples.
- DL1r R22: DL1r re-trained on r22 samples applied to r22 samples (it corresponds to DL1r20210519r22).
- DL1d R22: new high-level tagger trained in rel22 using DIPS as input instead of RNNIP (it coressponds to DL1d20210528r22).
Tagging @cschiavi @vdao @mguth @fdibello @dguest @sanmay for FTAG