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Externals Update, master branch (2021.07.26.)

Upgraded all projects to atlasexternals-2.0.112. The list of changes wrt. atlasexternals-2.0.111 are the following (atlasexternals@2.0.111...2.0.112):

  • Added the Findlibzip.cmake module for LCG's ZIP library (thanks to @ewelina);
  • Updated KLFitter to version 1.4.0 (thanks to @kzoch);
  • Updated Findtdaq-common.cmake to give access to the COOL/CORAL installations coming with tdaq-common. This is meant for ATDBOPS-116, to make the master--dev4LCG nightly pick up these externals "from their new location".
    • This may or may not break that nightly. Hopefully it won't, but we'll have to keep an eye on it, in case I forgot about something in my tests...

At the same time I added explicit dependencies on tdaq(-common) to all projects that depend on it through their packages. This is needed for the "externals" to be set up correctly from tdaq(-common).

Note that I'm not adding either full-build or full-unit-tests to the MR. The only change here that should affect the CI is the KLFitter version update. But the regular tests for AnalysisBase/AthAnalysis should be enough for that. Or at least I hope so... 🤞

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