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vscode devcontainer: move motd display to .bashrc intead of entrypoint

Ruggero Turra requested to merge turra/athena:fix_motd_vscode_remote into master

This is related to the development workflow explained in the tutorial here:

Probably @akraszna should check if this is a bug.

At the end of the .devcontainer/Dockerfile we have

CMD cat /etc/motd && /bin/bash

which should print

                _ _____ _      _   ___ 
               /_\_   _| |    /_\ / __|
              / _ \| | | |__ / _ \\__ \
             /_/ \_\_| |____/_/ \_\___/

This is the ATLAS VS Code development image. To set up
your build, set up your build environment as usual (using
setupATLAS and asetup), and then set up your build like:

cmake -DATLAS_PACKAGE_FILTER_FILE=some_filter_file.txt \

but, at least on my configuration, this is not, I get just the prompt. I guess the problem is because of the option overrideCommand explained here

Now it should work.

Edited by Ruggero Turra

Merge request reports