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Revert "Merge branch 'ATLASRECTS-6530_disable_when_doIP_false' into 'master'"

Christos Anastopoulos requested to merge revert-caa28232 into master

This reverts merge request !45626 (merged)

Mentiong @ssnyder , @akraszna , @emoyse , @sroe @ponyisi

This MR disabled the default loading of tools (in master we need explicit disable if there is a default non-empty name) due to ATLASRECTS-6530.

This leads also to the Tracking Geometry Svc not being initialized/loaded, this happens due to the default of the Navigator being svc rather than cond.

Now, It seems this causes significant sideeffects on dictionary loading. Also mentiong @jojungge and @wleight as this seems to affect also muons is some way or form

Hopefully a plain revert will work here, otherwise will need to open a proper one ...

Edited by Christos Anastopoulos

Merge request reports
