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L1DynamicPedestalProviderTxt: migrate to BunchCrossingCondData

Frank Winklmeier requested to merge fwinkl/athena:l1dynped into master

Migrate the pedestal corrector from TrigBunchCrossingTool to BunchCrossingCondData. Instead of caching the bunch distance structure just calculate it every time as this should be fast enough.

Note that the gapBefore/AfterBunch methods in TrigBunchCrossingTool have a bug that cause it to return one extra BC. E.g. the first empty bunch after a train would have gapBeforeBunch()==1 whereas the BunchCrossingCondData returns the correct value 0. The distanceFromHeadOfTrain function has been adapted and it was verified that the distance values are the same before/after migration to the conditions object.

Partially addresses ATR-23378.

Merge request reports