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tauRec: fix TauTrackFinder config when not using ghost matching


This MR fixes a configuration issue for the tau track finder if one wants not to use ghost matching.

For the R22 reprocessing, we will use ghost matching so this MR will change nothing. However it is currently not possible to deactivate ghost matching for test purpose (ATLPHYSVAL-797). Although the TauTrackFinder source code supports this setup, the tool configuration prevents it: setting tauFlags.useGhostTracks.set_Value_and_Lock(False) currently causes a crash at initialisation stage:

TauCoreBuilderAlg                                    FATAL  Standard std::exception is caught
TauCoreBuilderAlg                                    ERROR SG::ExcUninitKey: Error initializing VarHandle from uninitialized VarHandleKey: StoreGateSvc+AntiKt4LCTopoJets[1244316195]; keys should be initialized in your initialize().

With the fix, one can switch off ghost matching.

This MR is not strictly needed for the reprocessing. It is just fixing a misconfiguration, that's why I add the bugfix label. It does not change the reconstruction output.

Cheers, Bertrand

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