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Disable online monitoring of Filter algorithms by default

Disable creating online monitoring histograms /EXPERT/HLTFramework/Filters/* for every filter algorithm.

There are too many of these histograms and they have too long names, causing trouble downstream. They only have a very niche use case for debugging and most likely no one will use them beyond this point. However, it seemed the relevant experts preferred to keep the option to enable them so make it still possible rather than completely removing the code.

Tested with: -c "setMenu='Physics_pp_run3_v1';doWriteBS=False;doEmptyMenu=True;doMuonSlice=True;" --imf --threads=1 --evtMax=10 --filesInput=/cvmfs/ TriggerJobOpts/ -t expert-monitoring.root | grep Filter

Confirmed the histograms disappear after this MR and that they can be re-enabled by adding:

from DecisionHandling import DecisionHandlingConfig;DecisionHandlingConfig.EnableFilterMonitoring=True;

in the precommand/preExec.

Fixes ATR-24006

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