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Draft: Chains for M9 cosmics runs

Teng Jian Khoo requested to merge khoo/athena:master-TMMT-CosmicCaloM9 into master

Addition of chains for cosmics runs in M9 week:

  • TAU8_EMPTY streamer, suggested by L1Calo (@hillier) in ATR-24001
  • Many LAr detector chains, requested by @lily in ATR-20628
    • This includes additional LArPEBHLT chains starting from L1_J15 and a lower jet threshold
    • Added the jet and gamma LArPEBHLT chains to the cosmics menu (already in the LS2 menu)
    • Translated HLT_noalg_larcells_L1LAR-ZEE as HLT_noalg_LArPEBCalib_L1LAR-ZEE -- is this right? I don't find the larcells expression discussed, although for this chain and a handful of others it seemed to be used in Run 2. What is it supposed to write?

Notes on the noise burst chains:

  • L1All version is still being worked on (!45424 (merged))
  • I made the substitutions: larps -> larpsallem and larhec -> larpsall. @damazio is this correct?
  • There are no XE70 or XE80 L1 thresholds, so those have been omitted. Likewise we don't have J75_XE40.

Also, writing down the changes to the PEB nomenclature for easy reference:

  • larpeb --> LArPEB = local ID, LAr with CTP result
  • larpebhlt --> LArPEBHLT = local ID, LAr with CTP+HLT result (=larpeb+HLT)
  • larpebcalib --> LArPEBCalib = global LAr info with CTP result
  • larcalib --> CSCPEB = global CSC info (needs to be updated to NSW)

Chains currently unable to be added:

  • HLT_e0_perf_L1EM3_EMPTY, HLT_g0_perf_L1EM3_EMPTY -- we don't have 'perf' for the MT egamma chains, and an error is returned without 'perf', because no WP is specified.
  • Various muvtx and cleanLLP chains still not yet migrated.
  • Event streaming configuration for LumiPEB not yet defined. I can open a separate MR for that one, based on the configuration here.
Edited by Teng Jian Khoo

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