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Draft: Checking all the egamma related MR went in between r16 to r17 to find the bug

To verify the bug/error mentioned in ATR-24052, I have created this trial branch which I checked out from r16 and added all egamma related MR that went in between r16 and r17 (

but was not able to reproduce the error

(error messages in /eos/atlas/atlascerngroupdisk/data-art/local-output/master/Athena/x86_64-centos7-gcc8-opt/2021-08-17T2101/TriggerTest/test_trig_mc_v1Dev_slice_egamma_build/CheckLog.log)
FastTrackViewDataVerifier                  2   0   ERROR Did not find StoreGateSvc+HLT_IDTrkTrack_Electron_FTF in IMprecisionEtcut_probe_view_3
FastTrackViewDataVerifier                  2   0   ERROR Did not find StoreGateSvc+TrigPixelClusterAmbiguitiesMap in IMprecisionEtcut_probe_view_3
FastTrackViewDataVerifier                  2   0   ERROR Did not find StoreGateSvc+SCT_FlaggedCondData_TRIG in IMprecisionEtcut_probe_view_3
FastTrackViewDataVerifier                  2   0   ERROR Maximum number of errors ( 'ErrorMax':1) reached.
FastTrackViewDataVerifier                  2   0   ERROR Did not find StoreGateSvc+HLT_IDTrkTrack_Electron_FTF in IMprecisionEtcut_probe_view_4
FastTrackViewDataVerifier                  2   0   ERROR Did not find StoreGateSvc+TrigPixelClusterAmbiguitiesMap in IMprecisionEtcut_probe_view_4

with run command --inputRDOFile /cvmfs/ --AMI q221 --maxEvents 10 --athenaopts='--threads=1 --pmon=sdmon' --outputRDO_TRIGFile=myRDOTrigger.pool.root --steering=doRDO_TRIG --preExec all:"setMenu='LS2_v1_TriggerValidation_prescale'" 2>&1|tee Reco_tf.log

So can we say its not egamma issue and ping the authors of the MR? (logFile : /afs/

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