TrigValidation: Reduce number of events in data slice tests
The reduction in number of test events is made reduce processing since the tests currently take too much time as addressed in ATR-24078.
In the following test max_events is now set to 150: test_trig_data_v1Dev_slice_bjet_build test_trig_data_v1Dev_slice_bphysics_build test_trig_data_v1Dev_slice_egamma_build test_trig_data_v1Dev_slice_jet_build test_trig_data_v1Dev_slice_met_build test_trig_data_v1Dev_slice_muon_build test_trig_data_v1Dev_slice_tau_build
This change brings the running time down to < 15 minutes per test when testing locally at testbed computer.