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Modify the gFEX Sim and SysSim Tools to save TOBs in different output containers

Cecilia Tosciri requested to merge ctosciri/athena-old:gFEXcollections into master

With this MR the Sim and SysSim Tools are modified to save the gFEX output TOBs in different containers, according to the TOB types. For the Jet TOBs, we save the energy density Rho, the small-R jets, and large-R jets in different containers (instances of the gFEXJetRoI class). For the Global TOBs, we have one container for each of the following pairs of quantities: MET/SumET, MET_x/MET_y, MHT_x/MHT_y, MST_x/MST_y (instances of the gFEXGlobalRoI class).

Merge request reports