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I have updated the config file for LArMonitoring for WD in order to match new files produced using MT. There are some change of names of histogram and directory in recent root files compared to the config file used earlier for LAr monitoring. I followed the JIRA-ATLASDQ-883 for the validation. I have done test with all systems included using the following command: /eos/atlas/atlastier0/rucio/data18_13TeV/physics_Main/00357750/data18_13TeV.00357750.physics_Main.merge.HIST.f1178_h349/data18_13TeV.00357750.physics_Main.merge.HIST.f1178_h349._0001.1 148
Recipe is taken from DQoperationalRecipes twiki.
Nothing was found to be breaken in this test. The Test WD for this test can be found here. WD for other run-276689 in JIRA was also produced.
Regards, Sumit for LAr DQ.