Rpc dq 3.1
Here are the RPC DQ algorithms in RpcRawDataMonitoring. These algorithms include
- RPC prepare data counting
- RPC hit multiplicity and clusters counting
- Muon track extrapolation and RPC detection efficiency
- L1 trigger
The post-processing functions include
- reading luminosity block information, calculating hit rate in individual panel, then plotting summary the results
- calculating muon detection effciency in indidual panel, then plotting summary the results
- other summary plots for hit multiplicity and clusters.
These algorithms have been sucessfully tested by Run3DQTestingDriver.py script.
Changes also contains the editing on DQ web display configurations, which is tested by DQWebDisplay.py.
best, Shixiang
Merge request reports
added DQ MuonSpectrometer Trigger master labels
WARNING: big files (>100K) are found in the changeset 464K in file MuonSpectrometer/MuonValidation/MuonDQA/MuonRawDataMonitoring/RpcRawDataMonitoring/python/RPCPanels.py 424K in file MuonSpectrometer/MuonValidation/MuonDQA/MuonRawDataMonitoring/RpcRawDataMonitoring/share/rpc.yaml 1280K in file DataQuality/DataQualityConfigurations/config/RPC/collisions_run.configadded review-pending-level-1 label
- Resolved by Shixiang Su
- Resolved by Shixiang Su
- Resolved by Shixiang Su
- Resolved by Shixiang Su
- Resolved by Shixiang Su
- Resolved by Shixiang Su
- Resolved by Marianna Liberatore
- Resolved by Shixiang Su
- Resolved by Shixiang Su
removed review-pending-level-1 label
- Resolved by Shixiang Su
- Resolved by Shixiang Su
- Resolved by Shixiang Su