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TriggerJobOpts: lock ConfigFlags in runHLT_standalone

Frank Winklmeier requested to merge fwinkl/athena:lock_runHLT into master

Lock the ConfigFlags in Had to re-arrange some parts of the job options to get this to work. Would ideally like to lock them even earlier, but that will need some changes to the ID trigger configuration.

Also had to make the following change to

  • Do not modify ConfigFlags during configuration. They need to be set correctly already earlier. Also re-arrange the trigger-related logic such that the doLVL1 flag is accessed last to avoid lookups of the input file in the new-style auto-configuration for jobs where this may not be set.

This is in preparation for !47186 (merged) that will essentially forbid the use of unlocked flags.

cc @rbielski

Merge request reports
