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Adding ACTS Seeding Algorithm using Athena objects as inputs

Carlo Varni requested to merge cvarni/athena:ActsSeedingWithAthenaInputs into master


Algorithm for running ACTS seeding on inputs taken directly from Athena, i.e. Pixel and SCT Space Points from Athena. This algorithm would only be used for validation purposes while all the ACTS components of track reconstruction is being ported into Athena. The final seeding code will only use Acts objects as inputs.

Tagging: @ncalace, @pagessin, @toyamaza and @asalzbur

Algo inputs:

  • Pixel or SCT Space Points from Athena

Algo outputs:

  • Acts Seed Container
  • Acts Space Point Container (for validation purposes only)
  • Acts Space Point Data (for validation purposes only)

Seeding tool and algorithm parameters would need some tuning for running properly on the different detector elements. Right now that is not available, temporary values are used that allow running seeding on Pixel and SCT detectors. Python configuration handles this.

An example of output is the following (seeds made of space points on SCT-barrel-only). The red lines represents the seeds, and connect the three space points they are made of


Edited by Carlo Varni

Merge request reports
