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CORAL Update, 22.0-mc20 branch (2021.11.01.)

Switched Athena to building COOL and CORAL for itself. This is meant as a replacement for !47747 (closed).

The update to atlasexternals- brings with it the following changes (atlasexternals@2.0.112...

  • Introduced the ATLAS_ALWAYS_CHECK_WILDCARDS cache variable in AtlasCMake;
  • Prevented AtlasLCG from unnecessarily adding duplicates to the CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH environment variable;
  • Fixed the dictionary handling with Ninja with CMake >=3.20;
  • Upgraded GDB to version 10.2;
  • Added the build of CORAL and COOL to projects not using tdaq-common, in case these are not available from the configured LCG release;
  • Made it possible to build COOL and CORAL as part of AthenaExternals.

It looks a bit scarier than it is. The only change that should affect the 22.0-mc20 branch is the update in GDB's version. But that should also only affect debugging, not any production jobs.

Note that I updated both the COOL and CORAL versions. This is because Scott's hash (9d9d9725) exists on top of CORAL_3_3_9. I'm 99% sure that these two are compatible with each other. (And the rest of 22.0-mc20.) I still wanted to point out this detail...

Update: The MR only builds CORAL in the end.

Pinging @ssnyder, @elmsheus, @emoyse.

Edited by Attila Krasznahorkay

Merge request reports
