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Jet super-RoI tracking step

Teng Jian Khoo requested to merge khoo/athena:master-TMMT-JetRoITrkStep into master

Implement a test chain including jet trigger step that does RoI tracking for preselection before FS jet tracking.

Test chain:

  • Step 1 runs calo-only jet-finding and preselection
  • Step 2 takes the preselection jets, applies pt/eta cuts and generates a super-RoI view (combines RoI around all selected jets), then runs b-jet fast tracking (avoids request for L1 JET RoIs) in this view.

This step is to be extended with fast b-tagging/common vertex selection, but we'd like the chain in place earlier for testing.

We may instead wish to substitute the FS jet tracking config, but switch off these flags for the in-view copy to avoid running the extra parts needed for unconventional track triggers:

Edited by Teng Jian Khoo

Merge request reports
