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AtlasTrackingGeometry Conf load also the InDet Material services

We have an issue that I was trying to discuss with @tsulaia

4:52:47 Py:conf2toConfigurable WARNING    PrivateToolHandleArray DetectorTools of GeoModelSvc/GeoModelSvc does not have the same named components
14:52:47 Py:conf2toConfigurable WARNING    Old (conf1) ['BeamPipeDetectorTool', 'InDetServMatTool', 'LArDetectorToolNV', 'LUCID_DetectorTool', 'MuonDetectorTool', 'PixelDetectorTool', 'SCT_DetectorTool', 'TRT_DetectorTool', 'TileDetectorTool', 'ZDC_DetTool'] for GeoModelSvc/GeoModelSvc
14:52:47 Py:conf2toConfigurable WARNING    New (conf2) ['BeamPipeDetectorTool', 'LArDetectorToolNV', 'MuonDetectorTool', 'PixelDetectorTool', 'SCT_DetectorTool', 'TRT_DetectorTool', 'TileDetectorTool'] for GeoModelSvc/GeoModelSvc

For the InDetServMatTool @tadej I think this is what is your preferred solution make sure is loaded alongside the other bits of Inner detector

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