MuonStandalone - Add forward muon chain relying on EM & EO hits
Hi everybody,
this the kickoff MR to implement the dedicated muon reconstruction chain not relying on information from the inner endcap stations: The ultimate goal is of course to provide muons including the information from the MM
& sTGC
detectors to the physics analyzer from the very beginning of the data taking. However, we need to take some time to understand the new technology. During the early commissioning phase we will therefore split up the muon reconstruction in the endcaps into two chains. In the standard reconstruction chain, all hit information is exploited to the best possible level. In the commissioning support chain, muon segments from the EM
and the EO
stations are refeeded into the MS track reconstruction to obtain tracks only relying on these two stations. These tracks will then eventually combined with the ID tracks to combined muon tracks and then stored together with the ordinary muon tracks in the same container. This MR adds the first set of required changed to rerun the reco on the EM/ EO stations only
- Add
to select segments from any region in the muon spectrometer - Legacy configuration snippets to configure the reconstruction chain storing