Draft: PLR_ID Class Implementaion
Introducing a PLR_ID class for the Pixel Luminosity Detectors to use instead of the PixelID class.
Having a separate ID class for the PLR is needed to avoid the issue described in this JIRA ticket.
PLR_ID inherits from PixelID and uses the same external interfaces such that pixel tools/algorithms can use the PLR_ID functions just like it does the PixelID functions. A new PLR_IDDetDescrCnv class is used to create the PLR_ID class in the DetectorStore.
This ITkLayouts MR needs to be merged before this will work, as the IdDictInnerDetector_ITK_LOCAL.xml dictionary needs to be updated in accordance with the PLR_ID scheme. This will redefine the InnerDetector Identifier part "TRT" to "LuminosityDetectors" and then have the next bit distinguish between PLR and BCM'.