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Draft: Using right tracks for isolation in gsf refitted electron trigger

Correcting gsf refitted tracks for TrigTrackIsolationTool in the gsf refitted electron triggers. Currently TrigTrackIsolationTool is using only precisionTracks (not the refitted one) for gsf refitted electron ( This bug has been noticed and is being resolved in this MR. I would like to draw the attention of @jdevivi and @fernando to the reduction of counts of some gsf triggers with this change

TrigEgammaPrecisi..._ivarloose_L1EM22VHI  53   0    INFO ptvarcone20 :42163.2 input.electron->pt(): 37411
TrigEgammaPrecisi..._ivarloose_L1EM22VHI  53   0    INFO relptvarcone20 = ptvarcone20/input.electron->pt(): 1.12703
TrigEgammaPrecisi..._ivarloose_L1EM22VHI  53   0    INFO relptvarcone20: 1.12703 is greater than m_RelPtConeCut:  'RelPtConeCut':0.100000
TrigEgammaPrecisi..._ivarloose_L1EM22VHI  53   0    INFO Final pass: 0
TrigEgammaPrecisi..._ivarloose_L1EM22VHI  42   0    INFO ptvarcone20 :36115.1 input.electron->pt(): 34326
TrigEgammaPrecisi..._ivarloose_L1EM22VHI  42   0    INFO relptvarcone20 = ptvarcone20/input.electron->pt(): 1.05212
TrigEgammaPrecisi..._ivarloose_L1EM22VHI  42   0    INFO relptvarcone20: 1.05212 is greater than m_RelPtConeCut:  'RelPtConeCut':0.100000
TrigEgammaPrecisi..._ivarloose_L1EM22VHI  42   0    INFO Final pass: 0

As you can see in most of the cases the relptvarcone20 is exceeding 'RelPtConeCut':0.100000 that causing to fail the selection of the event. I would like to confirm this logic before going ahead with this MR since it reduces the counts of isolated electron triggers drastically. The Test used for the output is --imf --perfmon --threads 1 --concurrent-events 1 --filesInput '/eos/home-d/dbakshig/data17_13TeV.00339070.physics_Main/data17_13TeV.00339070.physics_Main.merge.DRAW_EGZ.f887_m1831._0152.1' --evtMax 100 --skipEvents 0 -c 'isOnline=True;doWriteBS=False;doWriteRDOTrigger=True;forceEnableAllChains=True;selectChains=["HLT_e26_dnntight_gsf_ivarloose_L1EM22VHI"];setGlobalTag="CONDBR2-HLTP-2018-01"' TriggerJobOpts/ 2>&1 |tee electron_ManyEvents.log

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