B-physics/Muon trigger: add low mass Drell-Yan chains for Run 3 (ATR-19354)
This MR adds low mass Drell-Yan chains
L1Topo versions:
- HLT_mu4_ivarloose_mu4_7invmAB9_L1DY-BOX-2MU3V, no opposite charge cut, no vertexing, mass is calculated by default TrigComboHypoTool
- HLT_mu4_ivarloose_mu4_b7invmAB9vtx20_L1DY-BOX-2MU3V, no opposite charge cut, vertexing by TrigMultiTrkComboHypo, mass calculation is consistent with TrigComboHypoTool::compute()
Backup (non-L1Topo chains): same ia previous but from L12MU3V:
- HLT_mu4_ivarloose_mu4_7invmAB9_L12MU3V
- HLT_mu4_ivarloose_mu4_b7invmAB9vtx20_L12MU3V
Support chains: HLT_2mu4_7invmAA9_L1DY-BOX-2MU3V
All chains are defined in two ranges: [7,9] and [11,60] for 2mu4 and [11,24] and [24,60] for 2mu6.
B-physics part was added as an add-hoc to 'muEFIso' sequence.
Edited by Vladimir Lyubushkin