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Remove 2nd electron super cluster builder

We currently run egammaSuperClusterBuilder (egSCB) in precision calo, and electronSuperClusterBuilder (eSCB) in precision electron.

The main difference is that when supplying tracks to eSCB, it potentially increases the window in phi to include more clusters. This means the electron ET should generally be a bit higher for eSCB compared to egSCB. However, the shower shapes are unlikely to change much. (Using GSF tracks instead of non-GSF tracks will make a much bigger difference for PID.)

To take advantage of this, we would want to cut at threshold-X for precision calo, and threshold for precision electron, otherwise it doesn't make any sense to run eSCB. Instead, we should simply match tracks to the clusters from egSCB.


PING: @cjmeyer , @dbakshig , @christos

Edited by Joao Victor Da Fonseca Pinto

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