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CA reco: Enable jets and cleanup tracking config a bit

Tadej Novak requested to merge tadej/athena:ca/jets into master

And ... we have jets running! 🎉

I hacked it a bit based on JetRec_jobOptionsNewConfig. For that I created JetRecoSteering as it's probably better to have it separate for what will be run with reco for monitoring purposes. Still I decided to write out some jets (although no event shapes for now).

It depends on a few MRs and it probably does not work for Phase-II but will abuse the CI a bit more as I enabled all the currently available domains.

I also just pulled-in some other changes in this MR to get everything running such as tracking cleanup and some muon fixes. I hope that is fine.

/cc @delsart @khoo @tbold @emoyse @elmsheus @goetz @mhodgkin

Edited by Tadej Novak

Merge request reports
