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Draft: Fix incorrect caching in the configuration of B-jet chains

Rafal Bielski requested to merge rbielski/athena:fix-bjet-chain-config into master

Fix b-jet chain configuration to allow different jet collection types. Up to now the configuration was incorrectly caching calls to getBJetSequence(jc_name) where jc_name parameter was not part of the cache key, thus different jet collections were always receiving sequence config of the first collection that was processed.

Fixing this uncovers multiple downstream issues. I started working through them, but gave up and would prefer b-jet Trigger experts to take over. I only fixed the EDM config and the merge semantics of the chainAliases parameter of JetTagCalibCondAlg that now allows to call JetTagCalibCfg multiple times with different NewChannel parameters. The chains now fail at runtime since we have different jet collections and we need different InputMakers which are now clashing in their output RoI collection name:

0_StoreGateSvc_Impl                        2   0 WARNING  setupProxy:: error setting up proxy for key HLT_Roi_Bjet and clid 1097199488
 Pre-existing valid DataProxy @0xeca09e00 found in Store for key HLT_Roi_Bjet with clid 1097199488 [360026,629048329,t:1536151928.249735590,l:151,b:1121]
0_StoreGateSvc_Impl                        2   0 WARNING record_impl: Problem setting up the proxy for object @0xf762d200
 recorded with key HLT_Roi_Bjet of type TrigRoiDescriptorCollection (CLID 1097199488) in DataObject @0xceefa380 [360026,629048329,t:1536151928.249735590,l:151,b:1121]
VarHandle(StoreGa...oi_Bjet[1097199488])   2   0   ERROR StoreGate/src/VarHandleBase.cxx:738 (StatusCode SG::VarHandleBase::record_impl(std::unique_ptr<DataObject>, void*, bool, bool)): code FAILURE: recordObject failed [360026,629048329,t:1536151928.249735590,l:151,b:1121]

Jira: ATR-24730

Edited by Rafal Bielski

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