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Don't retrieve RunNumber in online mode: fix for mixed new/old configuration

Stewart Martin-Haugh requested to merge smh/athena:tilecal_rn into master

Brings TileConditions setup in line between newJO and oldJO. Was causing a clash when TileCablingSvcCfg and TileConditions_jobOptions are in the same job:

Py:conf2toConfigurableCRITICAL Failed merging new config value (5) and old config value (4) for the (CablingType) property of TileCablingSvc/TileCablingSvc (TileCablingSvc/TileCablingSvc) old (new).
Shortened traceback (most recent user call last):
  File "/scratch/smh/bld/x86_64-centos7-gcc11-opt/jobOptions/TriggerJobOpts/", line 485, in <module>
    CAtoGlobalWrapper(Lvl1SimulationCfg, ConfigFlags, seqName="HLTBeginSeq")
  File "/cvmfs/", line 1248, in CAtoGlobalWrapper
  File "/cvmfs/", line 1264, in appendCAtoAthena
    instance = conf2toConfigurable( comp, indent="  " )
  File "/cvmfs/", line 1222, in conf2toConfigurable
    __areSettingsSame( existingConfigurable, comp, indent )
  File "/cvmfs/", line 1206, in __areSettingsSame
    raise ConfigurationError(err_message)

AthenaConfiguration.ComponentAccumulator.ConfigurationError: Failed merging new config value (5) and old config value (4) for the (CablingType) property of TileCablingSvc/TileCablingSvc (TileCablingSvc/TileCablingSvc) old (new).

Found during my ongoing L1 simulation configuration project (!48674 (closed))

Merge request reports