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ITk config flags cleaning

Thomas Strebler requested to merge tstreble/athena:ITkConfigFlagsCleaning into master

This MR provides a cleaning of the ITk config flags. It is built on top of !49070 (closed) from @tadej .

In details, the following changes are implemented:

  • removal of configs inherited from InDet configs but never actually used (ITkGlobalChi2FitterLowPtCfg, ITkTrackFitterLowPtCfg, ITkGlobalChi2FitterBTCfg, ITkTrackFitterBTCfg, ITkNNScoringToolBaseCfg, ITkNNScoringToolCfg, ITkSiZvertexMaker_xkCfg, ITkSimpleAmbiguityProcessorToolCfg)
  • removal of flags not used or never validated in previous ITk studies beyond their default configurations (e.g. doMinBias, doBeamHalo, useBroadClusterErrors, doRefitInvalidCov)
  • move of the tracking cuts flags into dedicated ITk.Tracking.Cuts subcategory
  • split of the flags between detector-related flags with simple ITk and ITk-tracking related flags under ITk.Tracking subcategory
  • minor updates in tracking geometry and primary vertex flags to make them more self-contained

This is a first step of a set of MRs, aiming at decoupling InDetConfigFlags and ITkConfigFlags from future TrackingConfigFlags and configs of common tracking tools used beyond InDet/ITk. Based on the review of this MR, a unified strategy is planned to be applied to the InDet configs.

FYI @nstyles @goetz @tadej @npetters @vcairo @gfacini @pagessin @lgagnon

Edited by Thomas Strebler

Merge request reports
