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add VRJetOverlapDecorator variables to VR track jet output in DerivationFramework

Philipp Gadow requested to merge pgadow/athena:master-addVRdecorator into master

The VR track jets used for b-tagging boosted objects have an ill-defined b-tagging calibration for event topologies with overlapping track jets. The FTAG recommendations for VR track jets suggest to veto events "if any of your signal jets have relativeDeltaRToVRJet < 1.0." Currently, this variable is missing in the VR track jet output.

This MR schedules the VRJetOverlapDecorator]( as a jet modifier when adding VR track jets to a derivation output and add its output to the list of VR track jet variables to be written out.

Edited by Philipp Gadow

Merge request reports
