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Fixing some problems in the setup of the ElectronEfficiencyCorrectionTool for PLIV WPs

Fabio Cardillo requested to merge fcardill/athena:21.2-AT-PLIVcheck into 21.2

This MR is to fix several problems with the setup of the ElectronEfficiencyCorrectionTool for the PLIV WP in the TopEgammaCPTools.

  • The PLIV-related checks were not done separately for the instances of the tool for Loose and Tight electrons, leading to the fact that e.g. the code crashed due to a seemingly unsupported ID+ISO-combination for loose electrons (even if the isolation WP in the top-config was set to None for loose leptons)

  • The switch between the xxx.root and xxxECIDS.root files in the e/gamma calibration area (if UseElectronChargeIDSelection True is used) did not work. The same files were selected for both configurations.

Edited by Fabio Cardillo

Merge request reports
