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ATR-24354: Renaming LS2 menu to Dev_pp_run3

Catrin Bernius requested to merge bernius/athena:ATR24354_MenuRenaming into master

Renaming LS2_v1 menu to Dev_pp_run3_v1 (as well as LS2_emu_v1 to Dev_pp_run3_emu_v1) as discussed on ATR-24354. It would be very helpful to merge this asap (as soon as the tests are all ok) to avoid conflicts, therefore I'm adding the urgent label. I don't know if this requires a full CI testing. Tagging @dzanzi, @khoo, @rbielski, @okumura, @vmartin, @tbuanes

I hope I managed to find all occurrences of LS2_v1, there are a couple I didn't change:

  • git atlas addpkg L1TopoSimulation ==> fjson = 'L1Menu_LS2_v1_22.0.17.json'
  • athena/Trigger/TrigValidation/TrigValAlgs/share/ ==> ConfigFlags.Input.Files = ["/cvmfs/"]

As I believe they shouldn't be changed (fixed json from a built release in which the menu was still called LS2_v1 and the name of a directory in which the AOD is found).

Merge request reports
