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Fix Truth Track selection bug affecting TrigInDetAnalysis nightly tests

A bug was introduced by !48976 (merged) affecting all the TrigInDet ART tests other than the tau tests (but not visible because the ART tests were failing as the result of a new CPS menu test). The bug meant truth reference tracks were no longer selected in any of the TrigInDetAnalysis tests other than the tau tests. This is because the truth tracks were only being selected when searching by parent truth Id. This MR fixes that bug.

In addition, it reverts to using a storeSeparateLargeD0Container = False following the offline fix ATR-24729 to the problem that prevented using a single container.

It also removes the additional muon chain added to the muon LRT tests as a temporary workaround for the the TIDA test job failures now that there is a fix !49437 (merged) that allows the CPS menu check to be disabled for these ART tests.

This fix was tested in conjunction with 49437 that was merged earlier today by running and

This fixes the missing histograms based on a truth reference reported by @adye in ATR-24762

Edited by John Baines

Merge request reports