Add calo-tagging working point based on CaloScore NN-based discriminant
This MR adds the possibility to use the new NN-based calo-tagging in MuonSelectionTool. A new property is added, "UseCaloScore". The default value for now is false, in which case the old CaloMuonIDTag variable is still used, and the Loose working point is unchanged wrt. the current version. When the property is set to true, the selection of calo-tagged muons for the Loose working point is based on the CaloScore variable, using the so-called "WP4" working point from here. This working point was constructed to achieve a flat rejection of fakes across pT by a pT-dependent cut on the discriminant. (Rejection is here defined in terms of a fraction of reconstructed candidates passing the discriminant cut.)
The performance of the working point will be further evaluated using new mc20 samples with increased statistics, and it is not unlikely that the precise cut definition will change. We decided to merge this now in any case to put into place the technical setup so that only the cut itself needs to be changed later.
I noticed that the current implementation extracting the CaloMuonIDTag variable would silently reject muons in the case of the variable missing, so I promoted the corresponding message from VERBOSE to WARNING and allowed this to be printed also in the case of an exception caught. (And then I used the same setup for CaloScore as well.)