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Creation of VrtSecFuzzy

Risa Ushioda requested to merge rushioda/athena:21.2-fuzzyDV into 21.2

I have added a new package "VrtSecFuzzy" under VKalVrt and modified This is a new vertexing algorithm. It targets DVs where not all tracks originate from one point (e.g. when they include b-hadrons).

Here are the rough procedure of this algorithm:

  1. Track preselection.
  2. Track pairs likely to form seed vertices are selected using MVA (BDT algorithm), and then seeding is done for all selected track pairs. Seeding method itself is the same as VSI. Now, call the seeds formed by the track pairs with particulaly high BDT score "primary seeds".
  3. Merge the primary seeds and their surrounding seeds in to groups.
  4. If the same seeds are shared by multiple groups, merge the groups into one. -> Difine these seed groups (track groups) as DVs.

I have attached a figure showing the structure of this package and some performance plots. MergeRequest.pdf

Merge request reports
