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MuonJiveXML, JiveXML: Update packages to use DataHandles, and generally cleanup

Edward Moyse requested to merge emoyse/athena:master-migrate-JiveXML into master

This is step one of updating the JiveXML packages.

Testing without this, and running :

ATHENA_CORE_NUMBER=1 --AMI=q442 --multithreaded=True --preExec 'all:jp.Rec.doJiveXML.set_Value_and_Lock(True); ' --maxEvents=1 --steering doRAWtoALL --preExec="all:jp.Rec.doJiveXML.set_Value_and_Lock(True);"

In the logfile I see:

14:20:41 StoreGateSvc                                                   WARNING Muon::CscPrepDataContainer/CSC_Clusters [JiveXML::AlgoJiveXML/AlgoJiveXML]

This WARNING is gone with this MR, so I think it's working as expected and I will undraft. A lot more needs migrating though!

Ping @lshi for info.

Edited by Edward Moyse

Merge request reports