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Extend tau trigger single leg trigger matching list in DAOD PHYS (ATR-24269)

Issue : looking at two recent DAOD PHYS data/MC samples produced with 22.0.50:

  • mc20_13TeV.361108.PowhegPythia8EvtGen_AZNLOCTEQ6L1_Ztautau.deriv.DAOD_PHYS.e3601_s3681_r13144_r13146_p4926
  • data18_13TeV.00349481.physics_Main.deriv.DAOD_PHYS.r13286_p4910_p4926

The trigger matching information for single leg tau triggers are missing. The trigger matching info be used for trigger efficiency/scale factor measurement using R22 Run2 reprocessing.

The issue should be caused by different name convention between Run2 and Run3 triggers: Run2 triggers (our target) don't have L1 item in the trigger name, while the single leg tau trigger list used for matching is filled using Run3 trigger name convention (not useful in this context).

This MR is recovering the missing trigger matching information by extending the current single leg tau trigger list used for matching.

Tested using:


Example of output added by this MR for 2018 data period:

 302.316 kb       20.893 kb        0.005 kb       14.470     4136  TrigMatch_HLT_tau25_medium1_tracktwoEF (DataVector<xAOD::TrigComposite_v1>) [Trig]
 302.316 kb       20.893 kb        0.005 kb       14.470     4136  TrigMatch_HLT_tau35_medium1_tracktwoEF (DataVector<xAOD::TrigComposite_v1>) [Trig]
 302.316 kb       20.893 kb        0.005 kb       14.470     4136  TrigMatch_HLT_tau60_medium1_tracktwoEF (DataVector<xAOD::TrigComposite_v1>) [Trig]

Tagging @tamartin, @aranzazu, @jburr, @iriu, @gipezzul, @martindl and @calpigia

Edited by Antonio De Maria

Merge request reports
