Muon PhysValMonitoring - Clean up & fixes Vol II
Hi everybody,
this is a follow up MR of !49635 (merged), where I added the switch to skip the commissioning muons. However, @pmogg has shown that this fix is having a negligible impact on the results of the physics validation (cf. In this MR, I finally managed to get rid of the commissinioning chain in the validation plots.
One notices the difference for MuidSA here (shown for all muons)
All muons eta looks also sane
The changes in this MR summarized
- Ensure that the Commissioning muons cannot enter the plots if they are not requested. Sources for their entering are: oridnary muon container, truth -> reco link, Z-mass muon selection.
- Replace the bare pointers by smart pointers. Finally 11 years after C++11, this package also makes usage of it.
- Add the allAuthor plot. This plot shows by which authors the muon has been also reconstructed.
- Fix all delta phi plots (Jump at phi = -M_PI)
- Other small bugfixes
I set it to an urgent priority that the physics validation framework will be further cleaned up to make the code more compact and maintainable. Break different tasks like trigger validtaion and so forth into different tools. Make sure that the all category is not filled twice by the matched muons, declare data depencenies etc. This task will be carried out by @pmogg & @atsiamis. Also make sure that hit information associated with the NSW is also validated. Have a look at the MuonAuxContainer to find out which hits are missing. etc.!!!