TrigJetMonitoring - add simple monitoring for jets in the L1_jFexSRJetRoI container.
This container is produced by jet trigger chains with 'jJ' in the chain name.
Algorithm to produce the plots (subclasses AthMonitoringAlg): TrigJetMonitoring/src/TrigL1JFexSRJetMonitorAlgorithm.h, cxx TrigJetMonitoring/src/components/TrigJetMonitoring_entries.cxx
Configuration changes to use the new Algorithm: TrigMonitoring/TrigJetMonitoring/python/ TrigMonitoring/TrigJetMonitoring/python/
Monitoring kinematics for chains: L1_jJ40
, L1_jJ50
, L1_jJ160
Edited by Peter Sherwood