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Merge base and derived vertex class into singular vertex class with tracks; Implement TIDA vertex builder

Emil Haines requested to merge ehaines/athena:master-update-vertex into master

Merge the base and derived vertex classes into a single vertex class that is able to select and store tracks from an collection of TIDA::Track. This vertex class becomes the default vertex class. This new vertex class will enable easier use of an updated vertex matching procedure using tracks (see merge request !45574 (comment 4726013)). The default behaviour is currently to still use the old vertex matching procedure.

Further developments and implementation of TIDAVertexBuilder class. The class is intended to clean up repeated code. Changes to the class reflect the re-instantiation of a single vertex class. Select() methods in this version now take a pointer to a collection of TIDA::Track, which exist outside of the scope of the VertexBuilder, as opposed to passing a TrackFilter. This ensures the pointers to the tracks belonging to the vertex remain valid after the select() method has been used.

Edited by Emil Haines

Merge request reports