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NSW Trigger Simulation - Enable sTGC strip segment tool

First integration of the tool (the last one missing) in the main simulation. Main changes to the algorithm class itself:

  • Alignment adjustments for a better code readability
  • All the include commands moved to the header file
  • Tab->Spaces replacement
  • Fix output handling in case of no validation ntuple stored
  • Rearrange LUT creation process, linking the algorithm with the corresponding tool (see below)

In addition to that, the algorithm needs to interface with the new LUT creation tool, now included in the MuonDetDescr/MuonRegionSelector package (in Rel21.3 it was a standalone tool: the core algorithm is the same, location and interface are different now), so other changes were needed:

  • Removed reference to MDT_CablingMap, as it has nothing to do with NSW detector technologies, and replaced with MuonGM::MuonDetectorManager (thanks @jojungge for the suggestion and the help)
  • Added code snippet to the simulation python to call the tool

Finally, the last declareProperty instance was removed from the steering algorithm and replaced with new syntax, as already done for the other tools.

./cc-ing @iodice @rosati @vadamico

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