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Enable TauJet reconstruction at AOD level - infrastructure for boosted lep-had ditau reco

Qichen Dong requested to merge qidong/athena:TauAODReReco-MR into master

Hi All,

This MR adds a new algorithm called TauAODRunnerAlg and the steering script to the tau reconstruction package, which enables the rerunning of the TauJet reconstruction at AOD level. A new "inAOD" flag was added to the tauRecFlag for the tauRecTools to identify themselves being run in AOD, to avoid the accessing of the seedJet. This is mainly because the seedJets was removed from the AOD contents in R22. The algorithm enables the possibility for one to modify the TauJet reconstruction with AOD.

A new tool, LeptonRemoval and its corresponding steering python scripts was added to the TauRecTools package. In the case of a pair of tau leptons produced in vicinity to each other, given one tau decay muonically, the other decay hadronically, the official reconstruction fails when the muon happen to get inside the seedJet cone. Accompanied with the algorithm mentioned above, one can rerun the whole tauJet reconstruction chain with the muon removed from the TauJet, to recover the tau ID performance.

The modified TauJet containers is planed to be available in the derivations. Corresponding steering scripts were added to the DerivationFrameworkTau package.

A thinning tool which only preserve the TauJets that has been modified by the re-reconstruction, and the tracks that associated with them was added in the DerivationFrameworkInDet package.

Cheers, Dong

Edited by Bertrand Martin Dit Latour

Merge request reports
