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[Trigger] Fix unmet dependencies in MC

Rafal Bielski requested to merge rbielski/athena:mc-deps into master

Fixing these unmet dependencies:

AvalancheSchedulerSvc                          0   FATAL Auto DataLoading not requested, and the following unmet INPUT dependencies were found:
AvalancheSchedulerSvc                          0   FATAL    o  ( 'L1TopoRDOCollection' , 'StoreGateSvc+L1TopoRDOCollection' )     required by Algorithm: 
AvalancheSchedulerSvc                          0   FATAL        * L1TopoLegacyOnlineMonitor
AvalancheSchedulerSvc                          0   FATAL    o  ( 'LArTTL1Container' , 'StoreGateSvc+LArTTL1EM' )     required by Algorithm: 
AvalancheSchedulerSvc                          0   FATAL        * Run2TriggerTowerMaker25ns
AvalancheSchedulerSvc                          0   FATAL    o  ( 'LArTTL1Container' , 'StoreGateSvc+LArTTL1HAD' )     required by Algorithm: 
AvalancheSchedulerSvc                          0   FATAL        * Run2TriggerTowerMaker25ns
AvalancheSchedulerSvc                          0   FATAL    o  ( 'TileRawChannelContainer' , 'StoreGateSvc+MuRcvRawChCnt' )     required by Algorithm: 
AvalancheSchedulerSvc                          0   FATAL        * TileMuonReceiverDecision
AvalancheSchedulerSvc                          0   FATAL    o  ( 'TileTTL1Container' , 'StoreGateSvc+TileTTL1Cnt' )     required by Algorithm: 
AvalancheSchedulerSvc                          0   FATAL        * Run2TriggerTowerMaker25ns
AvalancheSchedulerSvc                          0   FATAL    o  ( 'RpcPadContainer' , 'StoreGateSvc+RPCPAD' )     required by Algorithm: 
AvalancheSchedulerSvc                          0   FATAL        * MuonRdoToMuonDigit
AvalancheSchedulerSvc                          0   FATAL    o  ( 'TgcRdoContainer' , 'StoreGateSvc+TGCRDO' )     required by Algorithm: 
AvalancheSchedulerSvc                          0   FATAL        * LVL1TGCTrigger
AvalancheSchedulerSvc                          0   FATAL        * MuonRdoToMuonDigit

For the L1TopoLegacyOnlineMonitor this is done by disabling part of the algorithm that cannot work on MC, and for the others just declaring they need to be read from the input file. The corresponding objects are present in most if not all MC RDO files.

Partially addresses ATR-20535

Merge request reports
