Add package TrigVrtSecInclusive for QT (ATR-23121)
Added package to reconstruct secondary vertex online, to be used in a displaced vertex trigger(ATR-23121). The purpose of each added and changed files are followings.
Added: Trigger/TrigTools/TrigVrtSecInclusive/TrigVrtSecInclusive
- TrigVrtSecInclusive.h : Header for main algorithm
- Constants.h : Define constants used in algorithm
- VtxMap.h : Define a class recording vertex position and clustering them, needed for fast vertex merging
- Coordinate.h : Define coordinate systems for VtxMap
- DBSCAN.h : Define a class for clustering and managing weighted points, used in VtxMap
- KDPoint.h : Define a class template for k-dimensional weighted points and a container class to effectively store those points
- IWrkVrt.h : Define interface for vertex used in the main algorithm
- HashTools.h : Define hash function for std::unordered_map used in the main algorithm
Changed: Trigger/TriggerCommon/TrigEDMConfig/python
- : Add TrigVSI objects to output
- TriggerEDMAuxAccessors.h : Define Aux variables to output