FlavorTagDiscriminants - Add D meson reconstruction to BTagJetAugmenter
This MR is to add two variables from D meson reconstruction to the FlavorTagDiscriminants package. The variables are:
- JetFitterDMeson_mass: an improved SV mass using D meson reconstruction to increase the resolution
- JetFitterDMeson_isDefaults: a character to judge if the vertex passed the D meson reconstruction. If passed, the value is set to 0. Otherwise it is set to 1.
The variables are added to the expert BTagging content, and can be retrieved from the PHYS derivation. The test file is on lxplus: /afs/cern.ch/user/z/zfeng/public/DAOD_PHYSVAL.test-0301-PHYSVAL.root. It was converted from a ttbar validation AOD (valid1.410000.PowhegPythiaEvtGen_P2012_ttbar_hdamp172p5_nonallhad.recon.AOD.e4993_s3227_r12986_tid26563903_00).
Edited by Zhuoran Feng