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Draft: New-style beamspot chain to make use of jet tracking

Catrin Bernius requested to merge bernius/athena:beamspotchain_ATR23061 into master

This is currently a draft because not yet running, the setup is most certainly not yet correct in BeamspotChainConfiguration.

What has been done: A new chain of type HLT_j0_perf_pf_ftf_beamspotVtx_L1J45p0ETA21_3J15p0ETA25 has been added to the Dev_pp_run3_v1 menu. Modifications took place in DictFromChainName/SignatureDicts to allow the same behavior as we have it for b-jet chains, namely passing the chain to the Beamspot configuration and calling the jet chain configuration generation from within the Beamspot generation. Then we should be able to just add a vertex algorithm.

The setup has been discussed on ATR-23061, in particular in this comment:

Edited by Catrin Bernius

Merge request reports
