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Use Tile Calorimeter eta-dependent sampling fraction from DB

Siarhei Harkusha requested to merge harkusha/athena:master-tile-sfr-db into master

Now the sampling fraction constants and number of photo-electrons are stored and configured in JO and provided via TileInfo object prepared by TileInfLoader service

But they have been put into COOL DB for MC due to significant increase of total number of constants.

New Tile conditions algorithm (TileSamplingFractionCondAlg) has been developed to read these constants from COOL DB (FILE) and prepare new TileSamplingFraction conditions object and put it into the conditions SG

And then clients can get Tile Calorimeter sampling fraction and number of photo-electrons from TileSamplingFraction conditions object.

All clients which use Tile Calorimeter sampling fraction and number of photo-electrons have been migrated to use TileSamplingFraction conditions object instead of TileInfo object.

New file with default sampling fraction and number of photo-electrons has been added.

Old-style and new-style JO configurations have been updated accordingly.

All functionality which provides Tile Calorimeter sampling fraction and number of photo-electrons has been removed from TileInfo, TileInfoLoader, and the corresponding configuration JO.

Merge request reports
