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EGamma Geant4 thinning 21.9 [ATLSWUPGR-150]

Thomas Strebler requested to merge tstreble/athena:EG_G4Thinning_21.9 into 21.9

Following some observations discussed in ATLSWUPGR-150, it was noticed that a different treatment was applied for the MCTruthClassification of central electrons (track-based) and forward electrons (cluster-based in the current implementation but ultimately track-based once upgrade developments have advanced). In particular, the truth-matching for forward electrons discard Geant4 particle as valid match while this is not the case for central electrons. This difference leads to a much larger number of EGamma truth objects in the central region after the Geant4 thinning is applied in the ESDtoAOD step. This MR aims at making the behaviour more consistent between the central and the forward region for the Run4 configuration, by disabling the discarding of Geant4 particle for forward electrons + adapt a truth eta cut to the ITk acceptance in the Geant4 thinning algorithm.

An equivalent MR for master is being set up.

Draft status will be lifted when the final tests of this implementation confirm the expected results.

FYI @christos @lpascual

Edited by Thomas Strebler

Merge request reports
