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MuonIntersectionGeometry - Do not try to build EI Mdt intersections if there is no CSC


the first commit fixes the following WARNINGs that we observe in the Run 3 setup:

14:07:08 MuonStationIntersectSvc                               33    14 WARNING MdtIntersectGeometry::init() - failed to get readout element for ML0
14:07:08 MdtIntersectGeometry                                  33    14 WARNING MdtIntersectGeometry::intersection() - MdtIntersectGeometry not correctly initialized MuonSpectrometer EIL
14:07:08 MuPatTrackBuilder.MuonTrackS...MuSt_MooTrackFitter    29    28 WARNING  no local position, cannot make fake phi hit
14:07:08 MuonStationIntersectSvc                               33    14 WARNING MdtIntersectGeometry::init() - failed to get readout element for ML0
14:07:08 MdtIntersectGeometry                                  33    14 WARNING MdtIntersectGeometry::intersection() - MdtIntersectGeometry not correctly initialized MuonSpectrometer EIL
14:07:08 MuonStationIntersectSvc                               33    14 WARNING MdtIntersectGeometry::init() - failed to get readout element for ML0
14:07:08 MdtIntersectGeometry                                  33    14 WARNING MdtIntersectGeometry::intersection() - MdtIntersectGeometry not correctly initialized MuonSpectrometer EIL

The second one is the unleashing of the clang-formatter

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