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Offline Muon Monitoring of a new functionality called "L2 inside-out" in L2MuonSA

Shuhei Kanayama requested to merge skanayam/athena:L2InsideOut into master

L2MuonSA has a new functionality to mitigate inefficiencies in close-by muons called "L2 inside-out" from Run-3. "L2 inside-out" has become a default approach of BLS multi-muon trigger chains (cf. ATR-21003). This merge request is implementation of offline muon monitoring of "L2 inside-out". There are 78 histograms added in total, which were approved in MTSG. I have already confirmed this package works fine with no errors on the latest nightly and new histograms seem good.

ping @cdiez, @anventur, @mwakida, @yoyamagu

Merge request reports
