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[Trigger] Prevent Partial Event Building becoming Full Event Building

Rafal Bielski requested to merge rbielski/athena:hlt-peb-avoid-feb into master

Prevent a situation where a PEB stream configuration requests only disabled detectors, and therefore the PEB list becomes empty making the StreamTag a full event building tag.

The prevention is two-fold:

  1. TriggerMenuMT: Add CTP data in all PEB streams and add a unit test check ensuring this is always added.
  2. TrigOutputHandling: If anyhow the event ends up in this situation, forcibly remove the stream tag to prevent streaming a full event to the PEB stream. Print an error, but only once per run per HLT worker process (as agreed in ATR-24378).

Fixes ATR-24378 and fixes ATR-25227

Edited by Rafal Bielski

Merge request reports
